Monday, 18 April 2011

Learning Log 1

I have learn that cinquain is a poem which is made up of five lines and each line can only have a specific word capacity. The first line is the title which is the title of your cinquain then followed by the second line which is to describe the title which two words. The rule of the third line is to have three verb ending with a -ing at the back. The rule of the fourth line is to discuss about the feelings you shared for the title which four words only and finally the last word is to have an overall reaction about the title.  Cinquain is really a very fun and exciting thing to do as when you are bored you can just create your own cinquain easily.
It was very exciting and it was a group work so we can all share different views and have fun joining and creating words to form lines after lines. It was a really great experience for me.
 I think that the teachers should give us more examples as the one on skateboard is quite little as it’s the only one and I also encourage more time given so that we can make our cinquain more perfect .

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